Monday 1 February 2010

First post of February, wreyy!

You know what really annoys me, is when people talk to you, and they are there, be it texting or online, and then they stop, yet you know they're still there. You texted me idiot, so why are you not responding sort of thing. Its quite abnormally frustrating!

I'm trying very hard not to be psycho you must talk to me girlfriend, it's just easier to get angry at my boyfriend than it is at my friends, because.. well you don't get angry at your friends, you get angry at the people you love?
I don't know, it's just very annoying.

It's similar to the "treat 'em mean" technique, where you treat them "mean" so you could ignore, or be overly casual, and they want more. Maybe thats my problem.. I have it in my head that he's ignoring me, although he started the conversation so I seriously doubt he is ignoring me. After my response I hear no feed back so I immediately wonder whats the matter, and then bam, I am acting like psycho girlfriend and demands he talks to me. (These demands are always ignored, my boyfriend knows me too well)