Sunday 8 August 2010

I'm starting to get nervous about University.

Unlike school, where you're all from the same area, with relatively similar backgrounds, people from across the world (potentially) flock to this one establishment, all for the same purpose... Degree! (Well you'd hope so at least, over £3000 is a very expensive waste of a year otherwise.)

Doing a Journalism degree and hoping to become the next Veronica Guerin is really starting to worry me. What if I can't learn short hand? What if I can't write properly? What if I don't get a highly competitive work placement for my experience? There's so many what-ifs.

The people on my course might be completely different. I might be up against highly educated upper class toffs who got their work placements at the BBC because daddy practically owns the place.. I could be up against those people you hear about that stakeout starbucks with their laptops and pointless coffees, hitting up the blog world (pot? kettle? at least I'm not in starbucks right now)
I'm used to my niche. I've lived in so many different countries, I've been to over 15 schools, but I've always found my niche. People I don't like I don't even bother with. I really don't see the point. My friends think its weird that I can cut someone out of my life, but its not hard is it? You don't like them, you don't need them, so why bother?
The point is however, I am going to a teeny tiny university. How the hell am I going to avoid the toffs and the blog addicts and every other unsavoury I can think of.

I need some help?! (I'm really not nasty, I just hope I like everyone on my degree course...)

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