Friday 29 January 2010


That panic when you have a night out planned and you have the dress, and then you can’t get into the dress? This is why I hate Christmas. I hate all the bloody food.

I have the dress, I had shoes, I had the freaking hair. But unfortunately I also had an extra 10million pounds that won’t fit into a dress that had no stretch. What a way to start my new blog.

I am paranoid. And at the same time I don’t care, yet I have the sneaking suspicion that I am going to one day end up with a complex and an eating disorder. The kind of eating disorder when you can’t stop eating? But instead of throwing it up and getting a beautiful set of green teeth to go with your size four waist, I’ll just get cankles, and kidney pouches and flab rolls.

Bring on obesity. Seriously.

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